Friday, May 08, 2015

Service details for Sunday 10th May, and Church notices.

Sunday 10th May 2015
Fifth Sunday after Easter
 11:15am Morning Praise
Service Leader: David Roche, Worship Leader: Andrea Smith
Preacher: Kristi Lonheim

Youth Group and Young Church will leave after the first set of songs.

Readings: Psalm 98   Acts 10:44-48     John 15:9-17

Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin, to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

This week we are delving into John 15:9 -17 and what is means to have true and complete love and joy - to be chosen as Jesus’ friend.

ENORMOUS Thanks to our Youth Leaders, Guest Speakers and helpers for making Youth Camp last weekend such a HUGE success!! Please ask anyone from Youth Group to tell you all about it!

The Kitchen Club: Next class Thursday 14th May 10:30am—1:30pm Come and learn to cook traditional Lebanese family meals while we slice, dice, CHAT and eat!! All ages welcome, bring babies, kids, teens and grandma. Please see Ruth or Amy for details.

Date for your diaries: International Bring & Share Lunch Sunday 24th May after Morning Service. Please bring sweet or savoury dishes to share, see  Ruth or Kathryn to sign up. Strong folks please see John Stiefel if you can help with setting up of tables, chairs, and gazeboes before the service.

Would you like to be more involved at All Saints? Please see Ruth to sign up for  Welcome(includes handing out Bibles and Pew Sheets), readings, communion assistants, and offertory counters during May, June, July and August.

CALLING ALL SINGERS!  On 24th May (Pentecost Sunday) we are going to do a choral performance of Amazing Grace.
We will meet for 2 practices: this Sunday 10th, and 17th May directly after the church service (around 12.30-1pm). I’d love to include hearing a line of the song in as many different languages as possible!
Please join us if you can – all ages welcome!
Amy x

All are welcome for refreshments downstairs after the service.

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