Saturday, September 15, 2007

Home Groups and Courses at ASIC, Fall 2007

THE ALPHA COURSE – “An opportunity to explore the meaning of life” Alpha is a fun and relaxed way to explore Christianity and the spiritual journey, once a week over ten weeks. It is also a great way to get involved if you are new at ASIC, as an alternative to Home Groups. Come and try out the first session and see what it is like! We are offering two courses this term: EVENING ALPHA – Starting on Tues OCTOBER 9th, 7:00-9:45pm, in the Church Hall - includes a relaxed light supper together MORNING ALPHA – Women’s morning coffee Alpha, starting on Wed OCTOBER 10th, 10am -12:45pm. Venue to be confirmed ALPHA TRAINING – if you have done Alpha and would like to help on the team, please come to the training: Sept 18th & Oct 2nd 7:00-9:45pm in the Church Hall - includes a relaxed light supper together. NB: The first session will be repeated on Oct 2nd at 4:30pm, if you would like to do both sessions on one day. Even if not helping with the course, all are encouraged to attend Alpha training to understand the ethos of Alpha which supports our values of community and hospitality at ASIC. Any one who would like to run Alpha in another church is also welcome. Please speak to Nabil if interested 03 281 388; h. 01750 694 PLEASE THINK AND PRAY ABOUT WHO YOU COULD INVITE?
HOME GROUPS - “Love one another as I have loved you” Jn 15 Small groups are an essential part of our pastoral care at ASIC - a time to share, to make friends, and to be there for one another. ALL WELCOME! New groups could be formed according to need. Some home groups have a specialised purpose, others meet to follow a course of study together as well as fellowship: Worship Team home group – For the musical ones! Please speak to Mel, and maybe help with musical worship at ASIC ( ) Ras Beirut home Group – Wed 7:30 pm at the Vicarage Will be following a course called “The Road to Maturity” by Mary Pitches. Starting with a drinks and nibbles social on October 3rd Please call Sarah 03 136 371 or Nabil 03 281 388; h. 01750 694 Mansourieh Home Group – NEW! For FRENCH speakers! For all those “francophones” amongst us – also starting with a social on October 3rd . Contact Agnes Sanders 03 299 046 If you cannot be in a home group, you are encouraged to meet with one or two friends regularly for sharing/prayer and support. Here’s a website which might of help: THE MARRIAGE COURSE Making good marriages better! Treat yourelves to 8 evenings of good food, inspiring talks, and one-to-one discussion in a relaxed and romantic setting! This course will run on Thursdays, starting mid-October (tbc). Places limited. Please speak to Sarah and Nabil 03 281 388.