Saturday, January 31, 2015

Service info for Sun Ist Feb and Notices

Sunday, Feb 1, 2015   Epiphany 5/Presentation of Christ
                11:15 am
 Holy Communion
Worship Leaders: Kristi and Jonathan Acker
Service Leader: Nabil Sehadi  Preacher: David Roche 
Psalm 84    Hebrews 2:14-18       Luke 2:22-40         
Welcome to our first Sunday of the month Holy Communion Service. Youth Group start downstairs with their own service. Young Church start in church and are sent out after the first hymn.
The Presentation of Christ at the Temple
This week's lectionary reading brings us to the presentation of Christ at the temple, a principal feast in the Anglican communion and also known as Candlemass, celebrated in Orthodox and Catholic Churches too. This marks the end of Epiphany and the Christmas season in the church calendar. Epiphany means ‘revelation’ or manifestation of Christ to the gentiles. Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple to be met by two interesting characters, Simeon and Anna; Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to the temple, Anna virtually lived there. They had been faithfully waiting and praying for the arrival of the Messiah, both devout and righteous and both Kingdom focussed, a real lesson for us today as we unpack some life application. Simeon and Anna held Jesus in their arms, we hold his Spirit in our hearts!   
Jumble Sale after the Service downstairs TODAY! 
New Hamra Home Group: Calling all Alpha graduates and those interested in strengthening their faith. "A Life Worth Living" course begins this Tuesday at 8 pm at the Todds on AUB campus. More info: Ewen : 01 350000 ext 2715 or
The Marriage Course: Thursday 7:30- 10:00 in the church hall. Contact Nabil for info and registration 

Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Young Church Breakfast and Lent Prayer Day: Saturday Feb 21st, 10-11:30am and then Church is open until 3:30pm for  Prayer.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Service details for Sunday 25th January and Church notices.

Sunday,  25th January  2015     Epiphany 4
 Morning Praise       11:15 am
Service Leader/Preacher: Nabil Shehadi         
Worship Leaders: David and Amy Roche
Readings: Deuteronomy 6:1-12  Matthew 6: 5-15, 33-34

Welcome to our Morning Praise Service on this last Sunday of the month . Young Church and Youth Group stay in church throughout the service.

Today we end our series on NEW YEAR PRIORITIES  with the PRAYER that sums them all up: The Lord’s Prayer. In it we see:
PARENTAGE: Our Father in Heaven
PRAISE: Your Holy Name be honoured 
PURPOSE: Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
PROVISION: Give us this day our daily bread
PARDON: and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us
PROTECTION: Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
PERSPECTIVE: for the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
PERPETUITY: forever and forever, Amen
 - all that is needed to keep us on track this year!!

Memory Verse: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” Matt 6:33

Jumble Sale next Sunday after the service. Come for bargains and help our Community Relief Fund
January 29th: The Marriage Course at All Saints starts this Thursday ,
7.30–9.45pm in the Church Hall—contact Nabil for details and Registration.
Saturday Feb 21st :Men’s Prayer Breakfast , Young Church Breakfast and
 Lent Prayer Day( The Spiritual Disciplines):      
           10—11.30am and then Church is open until 3:30pm for  Prayer.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Church Service, Sunday 17th January 2015

                      Sunday, 17th January 2014   Epiphany 3

                                                     11:15am Informal All Age Communion                                                             Service Leader:Nabil Shehadi    
                                Worship Leader:Wadih Masri        Preacher: David Roche                                                                   Psalm 139:1-6, and 13-18   1 Corinthians 6:12-20     John 7:1-13       
Welcome to our third service of the month; Informal Communion. Young Church, Youth Group and their teachers will remain with us for communion and then head downstairs to the Church Hall.
                                                             KingdomClock 2015                                                                    As we enter this New Year, we are reaffirming our priorities as Christ  followers in 2015. This week we will study the crucial importance of understanding the season we are in, and discerning the timing of God in our lives. New Testament Greek uses 2 words for time; Chronos  (Χρόνος), where we get our word chronology from, is about human clock time. Kairos (Καιρός) is about understanding an appointed season or opportune moment, Kingdom-of-God time. John 7 shows us that those who follow Christ must understand time from His perspective. Sacrificial Chronology means I understand my time does not all belong to me. Jesus asks us to serve those in need, this will cost time and develops servant-hood. Godly Delay means I am willing to walk to a different rhythm, not motivated by approval of others, but willing to be interrupted by God’s desires, this develops patience. Godly   Urgency means I look forward with faith to the year ahead, in season and out of season I am prepared to speak of the gospel of Jesus Christ who died that all may have life in Him! Let us seize every Kairos moment of opportunity as we mature in faith and move forward in 2015.
The Marriage Course will be starting on January 29th at All Saints ’             Contact Nabil for registration or info

Friday, January 09, 2015

Service for Sunday 11th January 2015

Sunday,  11th January 2015 First Sunday after Epiphany
    11:15 am
 Worship & Word
Service & Worship Leader: Nabil Shehadi
Preacher : David Roche

Readings: 2 Kings 4: 8-37     Psalm 29  

Much is said in the New Year about resolutions, which is a good thing. But what about your Godly ambitions and aspirations? Building on Nabil’s message from last week we will commence a mini-series looking at the priorities of being a Christ follower in 2015. This  begins with intentionally making space for God and for each other. Jesus calls us to seek His Kingdom first, he knows how easily we can get distracted, our calendars are already bulging under the strain of meetings, appointments, deadlines and holidays. The story of the Shunammite woman from the book of 2 Kings shows us how crucial it is to intentionally build room, and make space for God and his people, her hospitality became a room where God worked miracles in her life, nothing less than resurrection!