Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed!! What a wonderful thing that we celebrate on Easter Sunday, our risen Lord and Saviour! As well as remembering the new life that we have in Jesus, we also gave thanks for a new life in one of our church families. God is good! And yes, it is the three wise men, or kings, interrupting our service, but even though we don't usually see them at this time of the year, they all had something to share that showed us more about Jesus, his death and his life!

Good Friday Cross Making Service 2008

Friday morning we had our Cross Making Craft service. Here are a few of the wonderful creations that were made, and all had a story to tell by their creators, about what it meant to them.

Maundy Thursday Meal 2008

Here is a pictoral report on our meal together for Maundy Thursday. Over 110 people attended, and many thanks to all the helpers who pitched in! And if you are wondering what we are doing shining each others shoes, this was a slightly less intimidating version of feet washing, serving one another through performing a lowly task.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Palm Sunday in Beirut, at All Saints

We had a beautiful day for our Palm Sunday service, with over 170 people attending. One highlight for the children was the procession out and through the church, and the opportunity to sing together out on the terrace (as shown). Please see earlier post for all the Easter events and times at All Saints' International Congregation church.