Friday, November 23, 2012

Sunday, 25th November

This Sunday we have a 17th Century Holy Communion service at 8:00am,  followed by breakfast at a cafe in Hamra St.

At 11:00am there is an all-age service followed by coffee and a clothing and bric-a-brac sale. Come along and do your Christmas shopping - just make sure you don't give the gift to the person who donated it to the sale :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Centennial Celebrations, Sat 17th and Sun 18th November

This SATURDAY, NOV 17, at 5 pm we have our centennial celebration, with invited ecumenical and civic partners. This will be followed by a celebration meal.

On SUNDAY, NOV 18, at 10:30 am (NB: THE DIFFERENT TIME), we will have a joint bilingual service with our sister Arabic congregation and Bishop Suheil. There will be Youth Church and Youth Group.The service will be followed by refreshments and cake. Let's all celebrate together!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday 11th and Centennial Celebration

Dear saints,

Because of the Beirut Marathon, our service will be at 5pm tomorrow. In our series about identity markers of the church from Acts we come to a serious event that could have destroyed the church: internal conflict. Jacob will be looking at conflict resolution and how that can transform a threat into an opportunity.

SATURDAY NOV 17 - 5PM - Centennial celebration in church, with invited ecumenical and civic partners. Please see attached invitation.
SUNDAY NOV 18 - 10:30 AM - Joint bilingual service with our sister Arabic congregation and Bishop Suheil. There will be YC and YG groups. Let's all celebrate together!