Thursday, April 23, 2015

Service details for Sunday 26th April and Church notices.

Sunday, 26th April 2015
Fourth  Sunday after Easter
11:15am Morning Prayer
Service  & Worship Leader & Preacher David Roche

Youth Group and Young Church will be staying with us for the service.

Readings: Psalm 32   Luke 15:1-3, and 11-32

Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
The Parable of the lost Son
This week our All Age Service will include a fun-filled dramatic presentation of Jesus’ story of the lost Son, featuring a star-studded cast from Young Church! We will then  reflect on some of the  amazing challenges arising from the parable, as we consider the three main characters in the story. Firstly, the younger son, whose blatant and cruel selfishness led him not only to set his own life in jeopardy, and having caused great pain to his Father, took him to  the point of profound learning  as he understood the truth about himself and  the extravagant grace of his Father’s love. But was the older son not also lost? What are we supposed to imagine happened after the Father came out of his house, to beseech the older son to  come home and join the celebration? How might we resemble either of the sons? Jesus’ story is a picture of the inexhaustible love that the Father has for each one of us, and his desire for us to remain close to him.

JUMBLE SALE TODAY!!!! Downstairs following the service. Browse  for a bargain!

ASIC Youth Camp May 2015 Friday May 1st– Sunday May 3rd.At Ain Assis, Dhour Shweir, Cost 90$, FUN,  Games, Teaching, Guest  speakers: David & Amy Roche
For more info please call Tarek 70-706240

The Kitchen Club:  7pm, 30th April. Come and learn to cook  traditional Lebanese family meals while we slice, dice, CHAT and eat!! All  ages welcome, bring babies, kids, teens and grandma! Please  see Ruth or Amy for  details.  ( Next one 14th May)

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