Some interesting Lent resources:
The Christ Candle
Suffering in the world
Lenten Love Projects
Easter Eggs
Daily Verses – Each Gives a Name for Jesus
and how they help us keep First Things First
and how they help us keep First Things First
A proper
understanding of GRACE tells us:
We can do nothing to earn the love of God -
We do everything in response to the love of God.
The Spiritual Disciplines (“Holy Habits”) help us keep First Things First (the Great Commandments and the Great Commission) by loving God (with mind, heart, soul strength/body), ourselves and others as a joy-filled response empowered by the Holy Spirit of Grace. Good reading to help with this: “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster (ask Nabil if you need a copy)
We can do nothing to earn the love of God -
We do everything in response to the love of God.
The Spiritual Disciplines (“Holy Habits”) help us keep First Things First (the Great Commandments and the Great Commission) by loving God (with mind, heart, soul strength/body), ourselves and others as a joy-filled response empowered by the Holy Spirit of Grace. Good reading to help with this: “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster (ask Nabil if you need a copy)
The Core Disciplines
Silence: Christians need to create the space to hear God’s voice and obey his word. Through contemplative silence we meet with God in familiarity and intimacy because we come willing to be still, be quiet and just listen.
Prayer: And talking of listening… Prayer is listening to God; seeking to grasp what his will is in any given circumstance. But we also bring our needs, desires and inmost feelings to him. It’s an interactive conversation with God, a process of lifelong learning as we seek to approach our Heavenly Father with openness, honesty, and trust.
Fasting: Fasting is not dieting! It is denying ourselves an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity. Biblical fasting is always focused on spiritual purposes. When we fast from something it reveals what controls us. It reminds us of our reliance on God and restores balance in our lives regarding priorities and nonessentials.
Silence: Christians need to create the space to hear God’s voice and obey his word. Through contemplative silence we meet with God in familiarity and intimacy because we come willing to be still, be quiet and just listen.
Prayer: And talking of listening… Prayer is listening to God; seeking to grasp what his will is in any given circumstance. But we also bring our needs, desires and inmost feelings to him. It’s an interactive conversation with God, a process of lifelong learning as we seek to approach our Heavenly Father with openness, honesty, and trust.
Fasting: Fasting is not dieting! It is denying ourselves an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity. Biblical fasting is always focused on spiritual purposes. When we fast from something it reveals what controls us. It reminds us of our reliance on God and restores balance in our lives regarding priorities and nonessentials.
Study: We study, not just to amass more information, but to experience
it, learn from it and be changed by it. The discipline of study is not just
about reading books, but also learning from things around us such as nature,
relationships, events, and cultural values. It’s a process of looking,
understanding and reflecting.
Simplicity: Simplicity is an inward reality that results in an outward life
style. Living in simplicity frees us from anxiety by viewing possessions as
gifts from God. It reorients our lives, perspectives, and attitudes away from
accumulation and towards generosity and sacrifice.
Solitude: This discipline of solitude (which is intimately linked with
silence) is absolutely vital. Sometimes it means taking advantage of those
little, precious, solitary moments of our days; at other times it means
deliberately withdrawing from our daily patterns in order to enter into the
silence of God. But nothing is more vital for allowing us time to think and
pray and engage with God. (Did we say it was vital?)
Submission: This is a biggie. This is the discipline which frees us of the
terrible need to always get our own way. Thinking about the discipline of
submission means thinking about how we view and respect other people. It
begins, of course, with our submission to God, but through it we learn to
change our relationships with family, neighbours, our church, those in need… It
changes our view of leadership and power, because we are all servants.
( from
– How about choosing one of these to develop this Lent? Ask Nabil if you
would like help in doing this.
Lent 2015
Dear All Saints Families,
These devotions are written with the intent of giving you a tool to
use for family devotions during the season of Lent. The impetus for these
devotions came from wanting the kids within a church community to understand
the significance of Lent.
Lent can be a difficult time. Advent seems easier, in a way, because
of the activities throughout the season and the focus on celebration. Lent is
not a season that is celebrated, but observed. It is not a time for doing, as
much as it is a time for reflecting. (For these devotions, since the focus is
for a meaningful experience for children, I am adding activities.)
Please do what is helpful for your family. The intent is that I will
provide more opportunities than are realistic for your family in a given
season. Pick and choose what works best for you, your schedule, and your
A brief word on the layout…
I will begin by explaining
something about Lent and particular days throughout the season. The end of this
section tells about the Christ Candle. I will then give some ideas for
activities. Finally I will provide suggestions for family devotions. The
devotions are in two sections; daily verses and weekly devotions.
May this Lent bring you, as a family, closer to our God.
Kristi Lonheim
Kristi Lonheim
LENT is the forty days before
Easter, not counting Sundays. The season of Lent is one for reflection.
Sundays, however, are to celebrate – a reprieve from solemn focus of the rest
of the week, which is shown through self-discipline, self-denial, and
before Ash Wednesday. The fasting restrictions originally observed with Lent
required no eggs or butter or milk therefore pancakes were made on this day to
use up these items. Shrove Tuesday was originally a time of fun and
festivities. It was the predecessor of Carnival. Carnival comes from the Latin
and literally means ‘goodbye to meat’ which was one of the original fasting
restrictions. The whole point of Pancake Day or Carnival is to follow it with
the solemness of Lent.
ASH WEDNESDAY is the beginning
of Lent. Ashes from the previous year’s Palm Sunday palms are burned. The ashes
are used to mark a cross on people’s foreheads to remind us that we are the
created – we came from dust and to dust we will return.
PALM SUNDAY is the Sunday
before Easter. This is the day we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into
Jerusalem. The name comes from the palms that were waved as He passed. This is
the beginning of Holy Week.
MAUNDY THURSDAY is the Thursday
before Easter. This day is a mixture of celebration and sadness. This is the
day of the Last Supper when Jesus and His disciples celebrated Passover. It is
also the night Jesus was betrayed and arrested.
GOOD FRIDAY, also known as
Black Friday, is the day Jesus was crucified and buried. This is day of quiet
reflection and looking inward. We know the how the story ends, but remember
that those who experienced it first-hand didn’t.
EASTER SUNDAY, or Resurrection
Sunday, is when we celebrate the Risen Christ! Alleluia! He is risen indeed!
The Christ Candle
This is a white candle used
specifically to mark the time when we read the Bible. It represents Christ, the
Light of the world. A Christ Candle is used when we read the Bible during Godly
Play. If you want to use your Christ
Candle at home it is a way to set apart the time when you read the Bible.
Choose any candleholder to put it in, it doesn’t have to be fancy, that isn’t the
point. Place your Christ Candle in a specific place and light it before you
read Scripture together saying ‘we light
the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a special way when we
read the Bible’. You may choose to add the changing of the light to your
Christ Candle tradition. Simply place a snuffer over the candle, just briefly
enough to extinguish it, then slowly raise the snuffer allowing the smoke to be
seen as it rises. As you do this say ‘we
change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at all times’.
These are not here just for
something to do. I have tried to add things that will have meaning, even to
young children. A good question to ask is ‘Does this help you understand God
and Jesus better?’
Wheat Seed Parable - John 12:24
Read the verse together and
talk about what Jesus’ lesson is to us.
Wheat seeds sprout in about a
week so this shows the outcome relatively quickly. You need a small pot with
good soil in it located somewhere everyone can reach it. Have a container of
wheat seeds next to it. Every time someone in the family does something nice
for someone else they get to put a seed in the pot and push it into the dirt.
By Easter you could have quite a crop! (from Why Not Celebrate!)
Suffering in the world
Look for things all around us
that remind us of suffering. It may be pictures, songs, someone’s prayer
request, news, or movies. The age of your children will determine how you
approach this. For young children cut out things from magazines or draw
pictures and have a designated place to put them. Visit these images and pray
for the suffering you see. For older children pick movies or books that deal
with suffering. Watch or read them together and discuss what you have
encountered. Pray together.
Lenten Love Projects
1st week – the hand
of love. Write a letter or draw pictures and send it to someone telling them
how much you love them.
2nd week – the voice
of love. Call someone to share with them your love, encouragement, or sympathy.
3rd week – the deed
of love. Make or do something for someone that you think they will appreciate
or that they can’t make or do for themselves.
4th week – the heart
of love. Make a list of five people you will pray for (assign one to each
finger so it is easier to remember). Be sure to include friends and enemies.
5th week – the mind
of love. Think about what God has done in your life. Thank Him. Try writing out
your prayer.
6th week – the
victory of love. Celebrate the Risen Jesus! See if you can find signs of new
life in your neighborhood.
(adapted from Why Not
Easter Eggs
If you choose to do Easter
Eggs, research the meanings of symbols and colors. Talk about these as you
decorate your eggs. The history of Easter Eggs begins with paganism. Christians
gave new meaning to them. Think of the eggs as a promise of something yet to
come or picture the empty shell as a reminder of the empty tomb.
Daily Verses – Each Gives a Name for Jesus
(There is often more than one
name in a given verse – remember to look for them!)
Ash Wednesday,
February 18 1 John 2:1 Advocate
February 19 Revelation 1:8 Almighty
February 20 Hebrews 12:2 Author
February 21 Ephesians 1:6 Beloved
February 22 1 Timothy 6:15 Blessed
February 23 Zechariah 3:8 Branch
February 24 John 6:35 Bread
of Life
February 25 Matthew 9:15 Bridegroom
February 26 Revelation 22:16 Bright
Morning Star
February 27 John 1:14 Came
from the Father
February 28 Matthew 13:55 Carpenter
Sunday, March
1 1 Peter 5:4 Chief
Monday, March
2 Isaiah 9:6 Child
Tuesday, March
3 Matthew 1:16 Christ
March 4 Ephesians 2:20 Cornerstone
March 5 Romans 11:26 Deliverer
Friday, March
6 Haggai 2:7 Desire
of all nations
March 7 Matthew 9:12 Doctor
Sunday, March
8 Matthew 1:23 Emmanuel
Monday, March
9 Isaiah 28:16 Foundation
Tuesday, March
10 Matthew 11:19
Friend of sinners
March 11 John 10:9 Gate
March 12 2 Corinthians 9:15 Gift
Friday, March
13 Isaiah 60:1 Glory
March 14 Romans 9:5 God
Sunday, March
15 Luke 10:33 Good
Monday, March
16 John 10:14 Good
Tuesday, March
17 Psalm
48:14 Guide
March 18 Colossians 1:18 Head
of the Church
March 19 John 1:39 King
of Israel
Friday, March
20 Isaiah 33:22 Lawgiver
March 21 1 Timothy 2:5 Mediator
Sunday, March
22 1 Peter 2:25 Overseer
Monday, March
23 Acts 5:31 Prince
Tuesday, March
24 Malachi
3:3 Purifier
March 25 Isaiah 25:4 Refuge
March 26 Jeremiah 23:6 Righteousness
Friday, March
27 Deuteronomy 32:15 Rock
March 28 Luke 2:11 Savior
Palm Sunday,
March 29 Isaiah 42:1 Servant
30 Matthew
12:40 Son of Man
Tuesday, March
31 Matthew 26:18 Teacher
April 1 John 14:6 Way
Thursday, April 2 Luke 22:48 Betrayed
Good Friday,
April 3 Mark 15:34 Forsaken
Holy Saturday,
April 4 Matthew 27:59 & 60 Buried
Easter Sunday,
April 5 John 11:25 Resurrection
Weekly Devotions
Each devotion has a 40 tied
into it somehow. See if you can figure out the significance of 40. Also know
that I haven’t given you the entire passage or that there may be more to the
story before or after the verses listed. You may want to read some of these
additional verses together or encourage your reading children to do it on their
Week 1
It Rained for 40 Days and 40
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
Read Genesis 7:1 – 5
Possible Discussion Starters…
Why did God pick Noah to build
the ark?
Talk about how you feel when it
has been raining for a while.
Try to imagine 40 days and nights of pouring rain.
What would happen to the earth?
Will God ever do this again?
How do you know? (hint Genesis 9:11)
Let us pray,
God, 40 days is a long time. Help us to remember you in a special way
each day of Lent.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Week 2
Wandering in the Wilderness
for 40 Years
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
The Israelites, after fleeing
Pharaoh in Egypt, wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. There are several
books in the Bible that tell about these wanderings. This passage is what God
says to Joshua just before they cross the river and leave the wilderness.
Read Joshua 1:6 – 9
Possible Discussion Starters…
How many times does God tell
Joshua to ‘be strong and courageous’?
What are the instruction God’s
gives about the Law (the first 5 books of the Bible)? What is the wilderness?
Why were they in the wilderness?
Would you feel strong or
courageous if you were Joshua? Why or why not?
Let us pray,
Hi God! We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we know that even
if we wander you will be there. Please help us to be strong and courageous and
remember You.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Week 3
The Word of Our God Stands
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
Read Isaiah 40:3 – 8
Possible Discussion Starters…
Try to envision if verse 4 were
to take place. What would the Seattle area look like?
Isaiah says people are grass.
What else do you think people are?
(The 3rd graders
memorized 40:8 for the day they received their Bibles. Is there a 3rd
grader in your home? Do they remember it?)
Let us pray,
Lord, we thank You for Your creation. We thank You that we get to see
Your mountains and valleys, Your flowers and grass. Help us to remember that no
matter what happens Your word stands forever.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Week 4
Jesus’ 40 Days and Nights
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
Read Matthew 4:1 – 11
Possible Discussion Starters…
Can you find this story
anywhere else in the Bible?
How do you feel when you are
really hungry?
Jesus hadn’t eaten anything for
40 days when He was tempted. How do you think this affected Him?
Which temptation do you think
was hardest for Jesus? Why?
What do you think the angels
did when they ‘attended’ Him in verse 11?
Let us pray,
Jesus, I am sorry You had to be so hungry and face such big
temptations. Thank You for doing it for me.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Week 5
I waited
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
Read Psalm 40:1 – 5
Possible Discussion Starters…
What is waiting patiently like?
What did God do for the
psalmist after he waited?
Name some of the many wonders
of God.
What have you been waiting for
during Lent?
Let us pray,
Lord, You are amazing! I can’t even name all of Your wonders. While I
wait for things I will keep looking for Your wonders.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Week 6
Don’t You Fear God?
Light the Christ Candle
We light the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is with us in a
special way when we read the Bible.
Read Luke 23:32 - 43
Possible Discussion Starters…
Do you think the criminals
feared God? Why or why not?
Do you think Jesus feared God?
Why or why not?
What things were said about Jesus
in these verses that weren’t very nice?
What things did the people do
that weren’t very nice?
Let us pray,
Jesus, thank You for taking our place and dying for our sins. We are
glad You didn’t fear God and that we don’t either.
(open time for your family
Change the Light
We change the light to remind us that God is with us in all places at
all times.
Bogle, Joanna, A Book
of Feasts and Seasons. Fowler Wright Books, Ltd. 1986.
Hibbard, Ann, Family
Celebrations at Easter. Baker Books, 1994.
Merrill, Dean & Grace, Together
at Home. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1985.
Nelson, Gertrud Mueller, To
Dance with God. Paulist Press, 1986.
Shenk, Sara Wenger, Why Not Celebrate! Good Books,
Weems, Ann, Kneeling in
Jerusalem. Westminster/John Knox Pres, 1992.
Zimmerman, Martha, Celebrating
the Christian Year. Bethany Press International, 1994.
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