Saturday, October 03, 2015

Service details for Sunday 4th October and church notices

Sunday 4 October 2015
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

11:15am Holy Communion
Rev. Imad Zoorob
Service Leader & Preacher David Roche
Worship Leaders: Amy Roche & Karim Girgis

Readings: Psalm 26, Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12, Mark 10:2-16

Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Today: Legalism V’s God’s grace. The Pharisees come to Jesus to trap him on the subject of divorce. If they could get Jesus to pass judgment they could have him arrested. It's never good to have a discussion about divorce when someone only has a motive to
ambush you and quote the bible to beat you with it. They wanted to talk about divorce but Jesus wanted to talk about marriage and God’s intended best for us. They knew the written word but missed the heart of God, they used the scripture for their own selfish ends. This contrasts with the picture of God’s grace we see when we will receive his Kingdom like children. Children have nothing to offer, no status or human achievement only a
simple acceptance of  Jesus’ embrace. The kingdom of God does not belong to the mighty, the strong, the influential; it belongs to the weak, the insignificant and the unimportant. To receive the Kingdom of God, opens the door for our lives to be renewed and restored. Whether our marriages have failed or are healthy, God relates to us by his grace and mercy not through the law. Though the Pharisees and Jesus’ own disciples may try to exclude us, Jesus’ desire is to hold us, to hold our lives in his hands and bless us. Let us turn to Him afresh today like children and humbly receive his Kingdom.

Please stay after the service for coffee—All welcome!

Is today after the service. Please stay to browse lightly used clothing, books and bric-a-brac stalls. You might just find a treasure and you will be     supporting the Relief Fund and Prison Ministry.

Are you new to All Saints?
Would you like to join a midweek Homegroup/small group or register your kids for Young Church and Youth Group? Please speak with David
Please complete a contact sheet with your contact details, so you can get our news and events and We want you to feel at home, involved and part of our church family.

Alpha Course starting Tuesday 6th  October 
The Alpha course is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in an open and friendly environment. Each session starts with a meal together, followed by a talk and then open group discussion. The course will run on Tuesday evenings in October and November from 7pm in the church hall, we ask for a donation towards the meal. All are welcome please see David for more information.

Daytime Theology Bible study group Every Thursday at NEST (Near East School of Theology) starting next week– 10:30 am Come and Join us as we seek to understand more of the Bible and ministry using teaching DVD’s from the St Paul’s Theological centre.  See David for more information.

Sunday October 11 - All Saint’s Picnic at Baabda Forest, all welcome. Bring your own lunch, the aim is to travel after church to Baabda, there is plenty of space for children to play and run free.
Admission is 3,000LL for adults and 2,000LL for kids. There are tables for eating, NO barbecues. Please see Ruth if you need or can offer a lift.

Friday October 16 - 7:30pm - Girls Night!
All ladies warmly invited chez Amy (Mansourieh). Bring nibbles and/or a bottle (or anything
delicious!) contact Amy for directions. If you have never been to a Girl’s Night, It’s simply a time for women to get together for a relaxing evening, to make friends and encourage each other, with plenty of fun and laughter along the way. Not to be missed - get a baby sitter and come!

The Prison Ministry are looking for a DVD player so that women prisoners in Tripoli can listen to Bible reading in their own language. Please see Elma if you can help.

Lost spoons!!! If you went home from the lunch last week with an extra serving spoon we would be  delighted if you could bring it back!! Thanks!

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