Sunday 1st November 2015
Twenty First Sunday after Trinity
All Saints' Day
11:15am Holy Communion
Rev. Imad Zoorob
Service Leader & Preacher Pastor David Roche
Worship Leader: Mrs. Amy Roche
Readings: Psalm 24, Revelation 21:1-6a, John 11:32-44
Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: grant us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those inexpressible joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Today: We celebrate our belonging to a family of Saints spanning two thousand years of Christian heritage. We have been baptized into a family with an everlasting future! We give thanks for Saints past and present, as the grace of God moves amongst us. I do hope you feel engaged in the life and mission of our community, one practical way you can
support our work is by financial support for All Saints’. As a church we are self-financed and do not receive any institutional support locally or from abroad. I would like to invite you to consider your financial contribution to All Saints’ so far this year; contributions help us in our community work, within our congregation and maintenance of the building. This week we will take a special offering towards upgrading our sound system and construction of doors where the PA is housed. Please give generously!
Please stay after the service for our community Bring and Share lunch.
Are you new to All Saints? Please complete a contact sheet with your email, so you can get our news and events and register your kids for Young Church and Youth Group.
Young church helpers needed - We take our
children’s ministry very seriously and want to give them the best we possibly can. This year we lack enough helpers, would you consider serving on the Young Church team rota every now and then? No need to prepare, just help out. Please see Amy.
Joining the prayer team - would you like to consider joining the prayer team? We are looking for people willing to pray for others during our Sunday services. We are especially short of men. Full training will be given, please speak with David for more information.
Service of Remembrance
Saturday November 7 at 10 am. Join us at the Beirut War Cemetery as we gather with
representatives from many nations to
remember and honour those who gave their lives in past wars and suffer at this present with conflicts across our region. Arrive at 09:45 in Jalloul, in the Assas Area which is to the west of the Forest of Pines.
Service time change Sunday November 8. Due to road closures with the Beirut Marathon there will not be a Sunday morning service. At 4pm we will have a joint service with the
Arabic congregation. There will be no Youth Group or Young Church (quiet activities will be available for children).
Little Sheep Toddler Play & Coffee Morning
Friday November 13 - Invite your friends all welcome - 10 am - midday. In the Church Hall
(See Neil and Sarah)