Sunday 27 September 2015
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
11:15am Morning Praise, All Age Family Service
Service Leader & Preacher David Roche
Worship Leaders: Amy Roche & Karim Girgis
Readings: Psalm 92, Ephesians 2: 11-22
Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Today: We Are Family!
The theme of ‘trees’ continues. God’s best for us is that we are planted like trees, by streams of water yielding fruit for him. Psalm 92 tells us we will flourish like the Cedars of Lebanon when we are planted in the house of the Lord, only there will we bear fruit in old age, and stay fresh and green. The challenge to be rooted in God’s family is always a real one, both relationally and spiritually. Let us engage again with the truth that we are a new humanity, ‘no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.’ (Ephesians 2:19-20)
Alpha Course starts Tuesday 6th October
The Alpha course is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in an open and friendly environment. Each session starts with a meal together, followed by a talk and then open group discussion. The course will run on Tuesday evenings in October and
November from 7pm in the church hall, we ask for a donation towards the meal. All are welcome please see David for more information.
Morning Worship will be followed by our Community Lunch on the terrace.....bring something tasty to share!! Please join us--- All are very welcome!
Are you new to All Saints?
Would you like to join a midweek Homegroup/small group or register your kids for Young Church /Youth Group ? Please speak with David
Please complete a contact sheet with your contact details so you can get our news and events,. We want you to feel at home, involved and part of our church family. :)
Next Sunday (October 4) Jumble Sale - Come and hunt for bargains on the Bric a Brac, Book and 'Gently-used' clothing stalls!
Proceeds help to support our Prison Ministry. Please see Dorothy for further info.
Saturday October 3 - Men’s prayer breakfast; 10am - 11:30, Church Hall, cost 5,000LL Please RSVP to David so that catering can be organised!!
Sunday October 11 - All Saint’s Picnic at Baabda Forest, all welcome. Bring your own lunch, the aim is to travel after church to Baabda, we will arrange lifts the week before. There is plenty of space for children to play and run free.
Admission is 3,000LL for adults and 2,000LL for kids. There are tables for eating, NO barbecues.
Friday October 16 - 7:30pm - Girls Night!
All ladies warmly invited chez Amy (Mansourieh). Bring nibbles and/or a bottle (or anything
delicious!) contact Amy for directions. If you have never been to a Girl’s Night, It’s simply a time for women to get together for a relaxing evening, to make friends and encourage each other, with plenty of fun and laughter along the way. Not to be missed - get a baby sitter and come! Amy: 78 832 510
Sunday October 25 - Visit of Archbishop Suheil Dawani. This will be a joint service with the
Arabic congregation and the service time is likely to change to 10am (TBC).