Thursday, April 23, 2015

Service details for Sunday 26th April and Church notices.

Sunday, 26th April 2015
Fourth  Sunday after Easter
11:15am Morning Prayer
Service  & Worship Leader & Preacher David Roche

Youth Group and Young Church will be staying with us for the service.

Readings: Psalm 32   Luke 15:1-3, and 11-32

Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
The Parable of the lost Son
This week our All Age Service will include a fun-filled dramatic presentation of Jesus’ story of the lost Son, featuring a star-studded cast from Young Church! We will then  reflect on some of the  amazing challenges arising from the parable, as we consider the three main characters in the story. Firstly, the younger son, whose blatant and cruel selfishness led him not only to set his own life in jeopardy, and having caused great pain to his Father, took him to  the point of profound learning  as he understood the truth about himself and  the extravagant grace of his Father’s love. But was the older son not also lost? What are we supposed to imagine happened after the Father came out of his house, to beseech the older son to  come home and join the celebration? How might we resemble either of the sons? Jesus’ story is a picture of the inexhaustible love that the Father has for each one of us, and his desire for us to remain close to him.

JUMBLE SALE TODAY!!!! Downstairs following the service. Browse  for a bargain!

ASIC Youth Camp May 2015 Friday May 1st– Sunday May 3rd.At Ain Assis, Dhour Shweir, Cost 90$, FUN,  Games, Teaching, Guest  speakers: David & Amy Roche
For more info please call Tarek 70-706240

The Kitchen Club:  7pm, 30th April. Come and learn to cook  traditional Lebanese family meals while we slice, dice, CHAT and eat!! All  ages welcome, bring babies, kids, teens and grandma! Please  see Ruth or Amy for  details.  ( Next one 14th May)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Service details for Sunday 19th April 2015 and church notices.

Sunday, 19th April 2015
Third Sunday after Easter
11:15am Morning Prayer
Service Leader & Preacher David Roche,
Worship Leaders: Jonathan Acker & Kristi Lonheim

Youth Group and Young Church will leave after the first set of songs.

Readings: Psalm 4 - Acts 3:12-19 - Luke 24:36b-48

Almighty Father, who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord: give us such knowledge of His presence with us, that we may be strengthened and sustained by His risen life and serve you continually in righteousness and truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Resurrection People
Last week we studied a theology of Resurrection Unity, a key foundation on which we must build, as we consider our vision and core values in light of the AGM today. This week, we will explore what is means to belong to a family of people who follow the resurrected Christ; the Bible says the same power that rose Christ from the grave lives in us! “Our prayer is that people in this land will turn to God and find faith and hope in Christ that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19). This means we have a job to do, our ancestors did not endure two thousand years of persecution and faithfulness to give us cheap church, in the words of Sir Francis Drake (1577) Disturb us Lord!!

Today ASIC AGM: members are invited to stay after the service.

The AUB Campus Home Group will start again this Tuesday, April 21 at 7:30 pm, we will begin a study of the Gospel of Mark. Any new members at All Saints’ are welcome to join us. For more information, contact Ewen or Zora Todd (01 350000 ext 2715) or email Home group will not be able to meet every Tuesday with people traveling and the summer schedule arriving, but we will be as flexible as possible to accommodate everyone.

All are welcome for refreshments downstairs after the service.

ASIC Youth Camp May 2015

Friday May 1st– Sunday May 3rd
At Ain Assis, Dhour Shweir, Cost 90$
FUN, Games, Teaching
Guest speakers: David & Amy Roche
For more info please call Tarek 70-706240

The Kitchen Club: Come and learn to cook traditional Lebanese family meals while we slice, dice, CHAT and eat!! All ages welcome, bring babies, kids, teens and grandma! 30 April  and 14th May. Please see Ruth or Amy for details.

All Age Baptism/Confirmation Course
Has started today - but you can still join - Speak with David, Amy or Tarek, the course will run Sundays  (9:45-11am April 19 & 26, May 10, 17, 24 & 31) at Starbucks, Zeitunay Bay (opposite Church).

Friday, April 10, 2015

Service details for Sunday 12th April 2015 and Church notices

Sunday, 12th April 2015
Second Sunday after Easter
11:15am Worship & Word Service
Service Leader & Preacher: David Roche, Worship Leader: Andrea Smith

Welcome to our  Second Sunday of the month, Worship  & Word Service, Young Church will be staying with us, Youth Group will leave after the first set of songs.

Readings: Psalm 133, Acts 4:32-35, John 20: 19-31

Almighty Father, you have given your only Son to die for our sins and to rise again for our justification: grant us to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Resurrection Unity
The overarching theme of our lectionary readings this week is unity, which is interesting since this comes hot on the heels of celebrating the resurrection of Christ - the resurrection which made all the difference to the way early Church believers formed ‘church’. We will explore the doctrine of Koinonia (Fellowship) and unpack the theological concept of perichoresis (describing the relationship between each person of the Trinity) and see how they form a creative force of community and spiritual formation. As we prepare for our AGM we will see that understanding common-unity is a bedrock on which we must build our vision for the year ahead lest, the foundations be crookèd if we are not one in heart and mind.

Sunday 19th April ASIC AGM, in church after the service.

Mission and Work Focus: Saturday 18 April 10-11:30am. Come and have coffee at church as we gather together those working in all varieties of missional contexts; teaching, aid, admin, & more. This will be an informal time with an aim to share, network & receive prayer & encouragement.

All Age Baptism/Confirmation Course
running for six Sundays (9:45-11am April 19 & 26, May 10, 17, 24 & 31) at Starbucks, Zeitunay Bay (opposite Church). Please speak  with David if you would like to explore what it means to be baptized and also consider conformation. The course will be led by David, Amy and Tarek.

ASIC Youth Camp May 2015

Friday May 1st– Sunday May 3rd
At Ain Assis, Dhour Shweir, Cost 90$
FUN, Games, Teaching
Guest speakers: David & Amy Roche
For more info please call Tarek 70-706240

The Kitchen Club: Come and learn to cook traditional Lebanese family meals while we slice, dice, CHAT and eat!! All ages welcome, bring babies, kids, teens and grandma! 16 and 30 April  and 14th May. Please see Amy or Ruth for details.

Friday, April 03, 2015

EASTER SUNDAY 11:30AM Service details and Church notices

Easter Sunday: Communion Service



Isaiah 53:4-11    Acts 10:34-43  Mark 16:1-8

Welcome to our Easter Celebration! Young Church will leave after the first hymn, Youth Group will remain with us in Church.

The resurrection was the most unexpected event in history, and it turned out to be the most important event in history. The resurrection revealed God as creator (the start of history), God as Saviour (the turning point of history) and God as Alpha and Omega (the goal of history). This was revealed as God walked amongst us in Jesus, shared our life, died our death and gave us life that never ends. What is the right response to all this? The Baptismal Vows give us a great one:

Do you reject the devil and all rebellion against God?
I reject them.
Do you renounce the deceit and corruption of evil?
I renounce them.
Do you repent of the sins that separate us from God and neighbour?
I repent of them.
Do you turn to Christ as Saviour?
I turn to Christ.
Do you submit to Christ as Lord?
I submit to Christ.
Do you come to Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life?
I come to Christ.


Easter Sunday will be Sarah and Nabil's last Service with us! Over the last ten years they have worked amazingly hard, shared their love of Christ and the Gospel, and have been a wonderful inspiration; they leave a tremendous legacy! A huge Thank you from everyone whose lives you have touched!
Following a retreat, and some traveling they will return to Lebanon where Nabil will be very involved with setting up Alpha courses and Sarah will continue to host her Quilting Club. We wish them safe and happy travels and all God's blessings for their future work and adventures.

Sunday 19th April, ASIC AGM, in church. Please confirm that your name is on the Electoral Roll, application forms to join the Electoral Roll available from Ruth, Church Administrator. Nomination forms for PCC and Church Wardens also available form Administrator and need to be submitted on Sunday 12th April at 11am at the latest.

Let's learn how to cook traditional Lebanese family meals as we slice, dice, CHAT and eat together! All ages welcome! Feel free to bring babies, toddlers, teens and Teta.
10.30am -1.30pm April 16 & 30, and May 14th. Please see Amy or Ruth (03-603222) for details.
If there is enough interest we will run an evening class as well!

All Saints' has a BIG heart to see the goodness of God's Kingdom break through in this city and  in Lebanon. we work hard to bless those in our own congregation and in the wider community, all of which has associated running costs. If you regard yourself as a member of All Saints' we ask you to consider giving regularly to work with us in support of our Church. Pledge forms are also available from the Administrator, to assist us in planning our budget for the year ahead.

Budget                    $53,130
Actual Spending     $44,556
Collected                $37,878
Special Offerings for 2014 Budget deficit to date $1826 Thank you!!!
Adjusted Shortfall   $4851

Advance Notice:
Friday May 1st-Sunday May 3rd Cost $90
Where? Ain Assis, Dhour Chweir
A fun-filled, action-packed 3 day camp, with awesome games, delicious food, and great teaching!

GUEST SPEAKERS: David and Amy Roche


Youth Camp!!! Any questions please call Tarek 70- 70 6240