Friday, November 21, 2014

Service, 23rd November.

Sunday, 23rd November,  Christ the King
                   Morning Prayer 
11:15 am
Service Leader/Preacher: Nabil Shehadi         
Worship Leader: Jonathan Acker
 “Living in the now-and-not-yet-Kingdom”

Psalm 2:1-12    Eph 1:15-23    Matt 25:31-46    

Welcome to our Morning Prayer Service. Young Church  will go downstairs before the readings. Youth Group will go downstairs before the   service as they are leading Young Church today.

This Sunday brings us to the end of the Liturgical Calendar, as we celebrate Christ the King. It is a reminder that the whole of history will end with the reign of God in Christ. Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God in his 1st Coming, and we have a foretaste of it in our life in the Spirit, but we await its fulfillment at his 2nd Coming. This is the BIG PICTURE that helps us understand HISTORY as "HIS STORY", and how our story fits within that and governs how we see ourselves and how we live. 

Sat, Nov 29, 2:30-5:30pm: Advent Day of Prayer in church on the theme of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Sun, Nov 30 and Dec 7: Soup Lunch and Mini Christmas Bazaar after the service—Joelle’s Jewelry, crafts by Syrian refugees, prisoners and Sarah’s quilting group.

Forward notice - our most popular service of the year: CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT, Sunday December 14th at 5pm

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