Saturday, December 27, 2014

Service, 28th December

Sunday, 28th December,  First  After Christmas
     Morning Praise
11:15 am
Worship Leader: Amy Roche
Service Leader & Preacher: Dave Roche
Psalm 148      Matthew 2:1-12

Welcome to our last of the month Morning Praise Service. Young Church and Youth Group will remain with us in church today as we worship God together

 It’s party time! Celebrate good times! Come on! The birth of Jesus is a time to remember why he was born, and ask again why God came to earth as a baby. Jesus’ life ushered in new life for us. His Kingdom is here. He has come to save us and restore our broken lives—now that is good news and worth celebrating! Wise men brought Him gifts that signify His Kingship, His sacrifice for us and His death on the cross. Jesus ultimately gave Himself for us laying down His life that we might be forgiven and become sons of God. So what can we do in return? As we will see, the wise men didn’t just offer Him gifts—‘they bowed down and worshiped him’. Jesus wants us to follow Him, to follow His example that we might share His love and peace with other people that they, too, might know how much God loves them.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Service, 21st December

Sunday, 21st December,  Advent 4
 Informal All-Age Communion 11:15 am
Worship Leader & Service Leader:  Nabil Shehadi
Preacher: Dave Roche
2 Sam 7:1-11, 16       Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26      Luke 2:1-20

Welcome to our third Sunday of the month Informal Communion Service. Young Church and Youth Group will come up for communion first with their teachers and then head downstairs to the Church Hall.

Chiaroscuro! There’s something about Mary... last week Rembrandt's ‘The Visitation’ (1640) assisted us in learning lessons from the life of Mary. This week, part 2, will explore more of how we can be inspired by Mary’s journey. She was highly ‘favoured’ by God but then taken to an obscure backwater in the middle of nowhere called Bethlehem to register with her husband-to-be for the census. Traveling across country while pregnant, she didn’t even have a bed to deliver her baby in. What was favourable about that? But the Bible says she stored up, pondered and treasured these things! We can learn a lot from Mary about understanding small beginnings, that favour does not mean we are privileged, and how God-Pondering invigorates our souls. We even learn some Latin along the way and maybe some more art history!

Advent Prayers
Voice 1: God of the past who has fathered us and mothered us
All We are here to thank you.

Voice 2: God of the future who is always ahead of us
All: We are here to trust you.

Voice 1 (or 3): God of the present here in the midst of us
All: We are here to praise you.

Voice 2 (or 4): God of life beyond us within us
All: We rejoice in your glorious love.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Services


Sunday 14th

King’s College Nine Lessons and Carols
Followed by mulled wine & mince pies! 
Sunday 21st


delightful for the young and young at heart!

Wednesday 24th

Thursday  25th 11:30am
Usual Church services on
Sunday mornings are at 11:15am

Friday, December 05, 2014

Service, 7th December

Sunday, 7th December,  Advent 2
    Morning Praise
11:15 am
Worship Leader: Jonathan Acker
Service Leader/Preacher: Nabil Shehadi    “Fruitful Waiting”

Isaiah 40:1-11    2 Peter 3:8-18    Mark 1:1-8

As we continue our Advent Kingdom journey to Christmas, in our readings today we see this Kingdom as announced, arriving and awaited. How long do we wait for the fulfillment of the Kingdom? Has God forgotten about this world? Do we wait in limbo? No! God is patiently  calling all to know Him. Peter reminds us that we have a world to win and grace to explore.

Advent Prayers
Voice 1: God of the past who has fathered us and mothered us
All We are here to thank you.

Voice 2: God of the future who is always ahead of us
All: We are here to trust you.

Voice 1 (or 3): God of the present here in the midst of us
All: We are here to praise you.

Voice 2 (or 4): God of life beyond us within us
All: We rejoice in your glorious love.

Today! mini Christmas bazaar after the service—soup lunch and  crafts by Syrian refugees, prisoners and Sarah’s quilting group.

Carol Service Choir - If you would like to be part of a choir to sing along with the carols at this year's Carol Service then please stay after the service for a run through.

Christmas Coffee Morning and Children’s Party, with activities for pre-school children. Fri, 12th Dec, 10-12am. For details, ph. Sarah 71 688 048

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Service, 30th November.

Sunday, 30th November,  Advent 1
                   Morning Praise
11:15 am
Service Leader/Preacher: Kristi Lonheim   
Worship Leader: Jonathan Acker

Isaiah 9:2-7     Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19   1 Cor 1:3-9    Mark 13:24-37

Today’s worship service has many additional elements as it is the first Sunday of Advent, the start of the Church year, AND the last Sunday of the month, where we strive to have a service inclusive of our younger worshipers. This service will have a mix of the Godly Play approach and a traditional sermon. May this time of worship draw you closer to Him as we remember what is was like to wait for Him the first time and anticipate His coming again. Both the Godly Play and the sermon are focused on the text of Isaiah 9:2-7.

Today and Dec 7: mini Christmas bazaar after the service—soup lunch crafts by Syrian refugees, prisoners and Sarah’s quilting group.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Service, 23rd November.

Sunday, 23rd November,  Christ the King
                   Morning Prayer 
11:15 am
Service Leader/Preacher: Nabil Shehadi         
Worship Leader: Jonathan Acker
 “Living in the now-and-not-yet-Kingdom”

Psalm 2:1-12    Eph 1:15-23    Matt 25:31-46    

Welcome to our Morning Prayer Service. Young Church  will go downstairs before the readings. Youth Group will go downstairs before the   service as they are leading Young Church today.

This Sunday brings us to the end of the Liturgical Calendar, as we celebrate Christ the King. It is a reminder that the whole of history will end with the reign of God in Christ. Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God in his 1st Coming, and we have a foretaste of it in our life in the Spirit, but we await its fulfillment at his 2nd Coming. This is the BIG PICTURE that helps us understand HISTORY as "HIS STORY", and how our story fits within that and governs how we see ourselves and how we live. 

Sat, Nov 29, 2:30-5:30pm: Advent Day of Prayer in church on the theme of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Sun, Nov 30 and Dec 7: Soup Lunch and Mini Christmas Bazaar after the service—Joelle’s Jewelry, crafts by Syrian refugees, prisoners and Sarah’s quilting group.

Forward notice - our most popular service of the year: CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT, Sunday December 14th at 5pm

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Service, 16th November, 2014

Sunday, 9th November,  Trinity 23
                   Informal Communion 
11:15 am
Service Leader/President: Nabil Shehadi          Preacher: Dr. Lisa Lamb
“We Feared We’d Be Forgotten”

Josh 22:10-25    Eph 4:1-6    Matt 5:7-9 

Welcome to our third Sunday of the month Informal Communion Service. Young Church and Youth Group will come up for communion first with their teachers and then head downstairs to the Church Hall.

Joshua 22 tells the poignant story of a minority community’s longing to be honored, known, and included in the people of God, and the day unity was almost utterly destroyed. This story gives us a vision for peace and tools  to live as agents of reconciliation in our churches, homes, and our land.

Wed, Nov 19th, 8:00-9:30 pm. An evening for couples with Rich and Lisa Lamb—The Gift of Attention: Listening Well. Please confirm with Nabil if you can attend.

Sat, Nov 29, 2:30-5:30pm: Advent Day of Prayer in church on the theme of the Spiritual Disciplines.

Sun, Nov 30 and Dec 7: mini Christmas bazaar after the service—crafts by Syrian refugees, prisoners and Sarah’s quilting group.

Friday, November 07, 2014

Service, Sunday 9th November, 2014

Please note the changed time!!!

Sunday, 9th November,  21st Sunday after Pentecost
                 Worship and Word 
Service/Worship  Leader: David Roche  Preacher: Nabil Shehadi

2 Tim 2:1-13     1 Cor 9:24-27     Matt 26: 36-46    

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Service, 2 November, 2014

Sunday, 2nd November, All Saints’ Day
                 Joint Bilingual Confirmation Service
10:30 am
Service Leaders: Rev Imad Zoorob and Rev Nabil Shehadi
Organist: Jonathan Acker  President: Archbishop Suheil Dawani
Welcome to this special Service of Confirmation with Archbishop Suheil of Jerusalem. We join with our sister Arabic congregation as we welcome and support young people from both congregations who are being confirmed. Young Church will leave after the first hymn and return for communion. Youth Group will stay in the   service to support two of their members being confirmed, Bethany Nasrallah and Grace Moucharafieh. Those being confirmed will affirm and receive for themselves the faith that was proclaimed at their baptism as infants by their parents and Godparents, and be prayed for to receive the Holy Spirit. This is a special milestone in their journey of faith, and we thank God for the grace that sustains each one of us, each step of the way.
Many thanks to the British Ladies in Lebanon for the 3 benches that they donated to All Saints, which we received this weekend.
9th November, 6pm—evening service (W&W). There is no    morning service due to the Marathon.
16th November, 11:15am– informal all age communion service.
Nov 16th, 2:30-4:30pm, at All Saints, Seminar for preachers by Dr Lisa Lamb of Fuller Seminary. Contact Nabil for more info and registration.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

All Saints' Day, Sunday 26th October

Following are details of our service tomorrow:

All Saints' Day Celebration
Worship Leader: Julia Nasrallah    Teaching: Nabil and Sarah Shehadi
Readings:  Exodus 20:1-17 Matthew 22:36-40
Theme: Resilience and Abundant Life
As we celebrate All Saints' Day, we celebrate who we are in Jesus as the Holy People and Family of God. Jesus gives us life in all its fulness, and the Two Greatest Commandments give us a blueprint for it: loving God and loving others as ourselves. Life also has many challenges; how do we cope under stress? Today we will look at a resilience study in Palestinian camps which has given another blueprint for living well with the acronym BASICPh.

INTERNATIONAL POT LUCK LUNCH - Please contact Sarah Shehadi to advise her of what you are able to contribute to our feast!!  03-136 371 or 05-273 551.

Remember that clocks go back one hour tonight!! 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Week Services

- Palm Sunday April 13: 11.30 am

- Maundy Thursday April 17:  6-8pm - Passover Meal for all ages (10,000/adult, 5,000/child over 5): How Jesus used the main meal of the Old Testament to institute the main meal of the New Testament. Limited numbers, please book with Sarah (03 136 371; )

- Good Friday, April 18: 10am - Noon: Cross making service for all ages - Nabil will show his collection of crosses from around the world, and we then make our own.

- Good Friday, April 18: 13:30-15:00 Meditation on the Seven Words of the Cross: a theology for the work-place

-  Easter Sunday, April 20: Celebration Service 11:30 (***Note later time***)

Friday, March 07, 2014

Program for Tomorrow's Open House of Prayer

ALL SAINTS - LENT OPEN DAY OF PRAYER – Sat 8 March 2014, 10am-4pm 

You can come for the whole day, or choose which slots you want.
If coming for lunch, bring and share something.

10:00 – 11:00 Prayer Stations/personal prayer
11:00 -  11:30 Communal prayer: Morning Prayer
11:30 – 12:30 Prayer Stations/personal prayer
12:30  - 13:30 Lunch: Bring and share
13:30 – 14:30 Prayer Stations/personal prayer
14:30 -  15:00 Communal praise & prayer
15:00 – 16:00 Prayer Stations/personal prayer

The Prayer Stations will be on the themes of the I Am sayings of Jesus from John’s Gospel
 Personal prayer ideas:
-       go around the prayer stations
-       do your own thing
-       use the handouts available
-       read through John’s Gospel

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Ash Wednesday/Saturday Open Day of Prayer

Tonight is our Ash Wednesday service at 8, marking the beginning of Lent and examining our discipleship. Do join us.

Also, this Saturday (March 8) there will be an Open Day of Prayer for all ages on the theme of the I AM Sayings. It will take place at church, from 10 am to 4 pm, with bring and share lunch at 1. Come for as long as you like.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sunday, 19th of January

This upcoming Sunday will be the second in our new "Signs and Sayings" series. Throughout this series, we will be looking at the seven "I Am" statements in the gospel of John, the statements Jesus made about who He was.

Last week we looked at the "I am the Bread of Life" statement. This upcoming Sunday, the theme of the service will be "I am the Light of the world."

There will also be a jumble sale on Sunday the 26th of January. So clean out your closets and bring any clothes, shoes, books, or movies that you no longer need :) All warm clothes and shoes that are not sold will be given to Syrian refugees.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

January 5, 2014 Service

Today's service will be at the All Saints Church in Downtown Beirut, across from Zaituna Bay. It starts at 11.15.