Thursday, March 14, 2013

Holy Week and Easter Services

MARCH 24 - PALM SUNDAY - 11:30 am - (** *Note later time***)
MARCH 28 - Maundy Thursday, 6 - 8pmAll Saints' Hall - Passover Meal/Last Supper: How Jesus used the most important feast of the Old Testament to proclaim the New Testament and the meaning of his death. Supper for all the family and edible theology! (adults 10K, children 5K - places limited, please sign up with Sarah Shehadi - 03 136 371,
MARCH 28 - Maundy Thursday, 8- 9pm Vigil in church - Remembering Gethsemane. "Couldn’t you keep watch with me for one hour?” Matt 26:40
MARCH 29 - Good Friday,  10:00-12:00: All age cross making service. Nabil tells the stories of crosses from his collection and then you make your own - arts materials provided. Don't like craft-making? Come anyway and write a poem, a story or make use of other resources on offer to meditate on the cross.
MARCH 29 - Good Friday, 1-3pm Meditation Service, the  Seven Words of the Cross - values for the workplace.
MARCH 31 - Easter Sunday 11:30am Easter Sunday Holy Communion (***Note the later time - and CLOCK GO FORWARD 1 HOUR***) 

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