Sunday, Feb 1, 2015 Epiphany 5/Presentation of Christ
11:15 am Holy Communion
11:15 am Holy Communion
Worship Leaders: Kristi and Jonathan Acker
Service Leader: Nabil Sehadi Preacher: David Roche
Psalm 84 Hebrews 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40
Welcome to our first Sunday of the month Holy Communion Service. Youth Group start downstairs with their own service. Young Church start in church and are sent out after the first hymn.
The Presentation of Christ at the Temple
This week's lectionary reading brings us to the presentation of Christ at the temple, a principal feast in the Anglican communion and also known as Candlemass, celebrated in Orthodox and Catholic Churches too. This marks the end of Epiphany and the Christmas season in the church calendar. Epiphany means ‘revelation’ or manifestation of Christ to the gentiles. Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple to be met by two interesting characters, Simeon and Anna; Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to the temple, Anna virtually lived there. They had been faithfully waiting and praying for the arrival of the Messiah, both devout and righteous and both Kingdom focussed, a real lesson for us today as we unpack some life application. Simeon and Anna held Jesus in their arms, we hold his Spirit in our hearts!
Jumble Sale after the Service downstairs TODAY!
New Hamra Home Group: Calling all Alpha graduates and those interested in strengthening their faith. "A Life Worth Living" course begins this Tuesday at 8 pm at the Todds on AUB campus. More info: Ewen : 01 350000 ext 2715 or
The Marriage Course: Thursday 7:30- 10:00 in the church hall. Contact Nabil for info and registration
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Young Church Breakfast and Lent Prayer Day: Saturday Feb 21st, 10-11:30am and then Church is open until 3:30pm for Prayer.