Sunday, 28th December, First After Christmas
Morning Praise 11:15 am
Morning Praise 11:15 am
Worship Leader: Amy Roche
Service Leader & Preacher: Dave Roche
Psalm 148 Matthew 2:1-12
Welcome to our last of the month Morning Praise Service. Young Church and Youth Group will remain with us in church today as we worship God together
It’s party time! Celebrate good times! Come on! The birth of Jesus is a time to remember why he was born, and ask again why God came to earth as a baby. Jesus’ life ushered in new life for us. His Kingdom is here. He has come to save us and restore our broken lives—now that is good news and worth celebrating! Wise men brought Him gifts that signify His Kingship, His sacrifice for us and His death on the cross. Jesus ultimately gave Himself for us laying down His life that we might be forgiven and become sons of God. So what can we do in return? As we will see, the wise men didn’t just offer Him gifts—‘they bowed down and worshiped him’. Jesus wants us to follow Him, to follow His example that we might share His love and peace with other people that they, too, might know how much God loves them.