Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Week Services

- Palm Sunday April 13: 11.30 am

- Maundy Thursday April 17:  6-8pm - Passover Meal for all ages (10,000/adult, 5,000/child over 5): How Jesus used the main meal of the Old Testament to institute the main meal of the New Testament. Limited numbers, please book with Sarah (03 136 371; )

- Good Friday, April 18: 10am - Noon: Cross making service for all ages - Nabil will show his collection of crosses from around the world, and we then make our own.

- Good Friday, April 18: 13:30-15:00 Meditation on the Seven Words of the Cross: a theology for the work-place

-  Easter Sunday, April 20: Celebration Service 11:30 (***Note later time***)