Saturday, March 31, 2012

April services and events at All Saints'

April 1st : 11:30am Palm Sunday Holy Communion (Note the later time)

Tuesday April 3rd, 7-9pm at All Saints - THE WEEKEND THAT CHANGED THE WORLD (The Mystery of the Empty Tomb). An audio-visual presentation (photos and drama) of the life of Jesus, the Holy Land and Holy Week by Revd Dr Peter Walker of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. This presentation has been given in many countries, and is based on Dr Walker's book of the same title.

Maundy Thursday, April 5th, 6 - 8pm, All Saints' Hall - Passover Meal/Last Supper: How Jesus used the most important feast of the Old Testament to proclaim the New Testament and the meaning of his death. Supper for all the family and edible theology! (adults $5, children $2 - places limited, please sign up with Sarah Shehadi - 03 136 371,

Maundy Thursday, April 5th, 8- 9pm Vigil in church - Remembering Gethsemane. "Couldn’t you keep watch with me for one hour?” Matt 26:40

Good Friday, April 6th, 10:00-12:00: All age cross making service. Nabil tells the stories of crosses from his collection and then you make your own - arts materials provided. Don't like craft-making? Come anyway and write a poem, a story or make use of other resources on offer to meditate on the cross.

Good Friday April 6th 1-3pm Meditation Service, 7 Words of the Cross.

Good Friday April 6th : 7:30pm Screening of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, at church. Rating PG (Children under 18 attend at parents' discretion. Not recommended for children under 13)

April 8th : 11:30am Easter Sunday Holy Communion (Note the later time) April 15th : 11:00am Worship & Word April 22nd: 11:00am Morning Prayer April 29th: 11:00am Morning Praise All Age Service

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Holy Week Services and Events

Tuesday April 3rd, 7pm-9:30 pm The Week End That Changed the World: The Mystery of the Empty Tomb An audio-visual, dramatic presentation of the Easter Weekend by Rev'd Dr Peter Walker, of Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, (based on his book of the same title).

Maundy Thursday, 5th, 6:00 pm Passover Meal - sign up with Sarah Shehadi - $5/adult, $2/child

Maundy Thursday: 8:00-9:00pm Prayer Vigil in church

Good Friday: 6th 10 am All age cross making service in the church hall

Good Friday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Meditation Service, 7 Words of the Cross

Good Friday: 7:30 pm Screening of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ Rating PG (Children under 18 attend at parents' discretion. Not recommended for children under 13 due to graphic elements in the movie)

Easter Sunday 8th 11:30am Celebration of Holy Communion (later time)

Daylight Savings Change Tonight

Don't forget the tonight Saturday 24th, the clocks go FORWARD one hour.
Morning Praise service starts at 11:00am

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Sunday March 11th 2012

We have a special service this Sunday at 10am - YES EARLIER BY AN HOUR! PLEASE NOTE :O) - with Bishop Suheil ( It will be a joint, bilingual service with our sister Arabic congregation. We will hear about the work of the diocese and mark our 100th ANNIVERSARY! There will be the usual groups for our young people too - YC and YG.
FRIDAY the 8th 5-7pm at NEST in Hamra:
Another opportunity to meet Bishop Suheil, at a reception at NEST tomorrow. Do come and meet him and members of both congregations.
Love to all,