Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday June 1st at All Saints' Beirut

This Sunday, due to the Beirut Marathon, we will be holding our Communion Service up at Arab Baptist Theological Seminary , Mansourieh at 11:00am

After service there will be a community picnic at Picnic Land in Ras El Metn. Please bring your picnic lunch with you, there are facilities for cooking BBQ at Picnic Land.

Because the roads around Hamra will be closed from 7am we will try to organize transportation for those who need it from this area. If you can provide or need a ride please call Nabil or Sarah Shehadi on 01 750 694 or 03 281 388.

To see the Marathon route map click the following link

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sunday May 25th

There have been a number of inquiries about church this Sunday because of the Parlimentary elections due to be held. According to our information, most roads to the church should be open, particularly the port (coastal) road. So we are planning to go ahead with the Morning Praise service at 11:00am in the church building. There will be a slide presentation from the Youth Retreat "Keys to the Kingdom" as well as worship and fellowship. As is usual in our Morning Praise services, there will be no Young Church (Sunday School or Youth Group), all will stay up in church together. Next Sunday June 1st is scheduled to be the Beirut Marathon, and the road to church will be closed from 7am. We will hold our service in the Arab Baptist Theology Seminary in Mansourieh at 11:00am. I hope to post a map to ABTS soon. Following church we will be having a church community 'picnic' at Dar El Awlad, Main Road, Mansourieh. This will make a nice day out for the Beirut folk! If there are people in need of transportation up from the city, we may be able to arrange something. Please contact Lindy or Nabil if you need help with this. There will be more details about the picnic to come, watch this space.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Update for Sunday 18th May 2008

The latest news for this coming Sunday: The Bishop has postponed his trip to early June and the Confirmation Service will now be held on Tuesday 3rd June in the church building at 11:30am this Sunday. To avoid extra confusion, we will keep our service time to 11:30am for the Morning Prayer service this Sunday, and we are still planning to meet in the church building.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This week at All Saints' Beirut, May 2008

Just another update to keep you all informed on what is happening with All Saints' for the coming weekend! This Sunday the 18th of May, we are planning on meeting back in the church building in Beirut. The Bishop is currently still planning to come and the confirmation service will go ahead at 9:30am. One of our members is being confirmed at this service, which will be bi-lingual, so be encouraged to support her and attend if you can. Our International Congregation will be meeting at 11:30am (please note the later time) This is to allow extra time for the Confirmation service. It will be a Morning Prayer service and our Church Warden, Dan Chetti will be the preacher. Please keep checking this site, if there are any changes in the arrangements, they will be posted here. Looking forward...... May 25th will be our informal Morning Praise service. There will be a report back and presentation from the Youth Retreat, Keys to the Kingdom. Please note there will be no BCP 1662 Communion service at 8am this month, as Rev Nabil is out of the country. June 1st after the Holy Communion service we are planning a church community picnic, probably in Mansourieh. Keep watching for more details later, but book your diaries now!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sunday May 11th 2008

This is to confirm that our Sunday service will be held in the Arab Baptist Theological School at 11:00am. We will meet in the temporary chapel on the first floor. Anyone who is able to make it to Mansourieh is very welcome. We are very grateful to Rev. Dickey, visiting from the UK, who will be sharing the word with us. ABTS is in Blata, just off the Mansourieh Main Road. For those who are in Ras Beirut, there will be a Prayer Meeting, either at the Vicarage or in NEST, at 11:00am. Please phone Nabil on 03 281 388 or 01 750 694 for more details. Our prayers are with all those being affected by the latest set of events, and for Lebanon.

The situation next to All Saints' Church

Friday, May 09, 2008

Update in Lebanon!

It is with sad hearts that we see what is happening in our beloved Lebanon this week. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we must cancel the trip to Aamiq tomorrow, Sat 10th. Hopefully we will be able to do it sometime in the not too distant future, when things are looking better for our country. Also, because of the situation on the roads, there will be no service held in the church building this Sunday 11th May. For those who are able to get to Mansourieh there will be a service, probably at the Arab Baptist Theological School at 11am. This is yet to be confirmed, check here for more updates, or phone Lindy Masri on 03 258 603. At this stage there will NOT be any meeting in the Ras Beirut area, but please feel free to call Rev Nabil for an update if you are there and would like to meet together, on 03 281 388 or 01 750 694. Please continue to pray for Lebanon!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Toads and Jungle Jam Band visit ASIC

It was a great surprise when the Jungle Jam Band came running out from the vestry, ready to share from their children's program, some songs, a bible story and testimony. The group had been visiting schools and churches with their wonderful presentation, enjoyed by children and adults alike. Many thanks to the Toads for sharing with us, their joy and love for Jesus!!!

Youth Camp Fundraiser

Many thanks to all those who were baking, buying, drinking and giving to support the young people in their fundraiser to support the Youth Group Camp. Great job everyone!