Saturday, March 14, 2015

Service details for Sunday 15th March 2015 and Church notices

Sunday, 15th March 2015     Lent 4
11:15am Informal All Age Communion              

Service Leader: Kristi Lonheim 
Preacher: David Roche 
Worship Leader: Kristi Lonheim & Jonathan Acker 
Celebrant: Nabil Shehadi                               
Numbers 21:4-9   Psalm 14    John 3:14-21
Welcome to our third service of the month; Informal Communion. Young Church, Youth Group and their teachers will remain with us for communion and then head downstairs to the Church Hall.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is simple isn’t it? And yet today’s reading from John shows Nicodemus (an intelligent Pharisee who knew his Bible) thrown into confusion when Jesus tells him he must be born again to see the Kingdom of heaven. Born again?! Jesus then tells Nicodemus the story where, in the desert, the people sinned against God and Moses raised up a serpent on a pole and those who looked at it were healed, so the same must happen to Jesus that everyone who believes may have eternal life. One can sense Nicodemus’ mind boggling. We all know probably the most famous scripture ever from John 3:16, ‘for God so loved the world that he...’. The Gospel is pure grace, in faith we need only simply believe what Jesus did for us and receive. But, as Jesus told Nicodemus, to ‘believe’ is linked to being born again, born by water and of the Spirit. This refers to the baptism of John (repentance) and spiritual rebirth as the Holy Spirit brings inner transformation of a sin hardened heart. Today we will explore what Jesus did for us on the cross and what he wants to do in us by his Spirit as we explore this strange Old Testament story and why it is placed in the lectionary at Lent.
After the Service today Mini  Bazaar  downstairs: Joelle’s Jewellery and other crafts, perfect gifts!
Saturday March 28th, End of Lent Meditational Hike on the "Hill of the Cross": meet at 10:30 in Deir el Qamar's main square - followed by lunch at around 12:30 in the square. Please register with Ruth and state if you need a ride (or if can give people a ride.  
Sunday 19th April 12:30pm ASIC AGM, in church. Please confirm your name is on the Electoral Roll, Application forms to join the Electoral Roll and Nomination forms for PCC and Church Wardens available from Ruth.
Kingdom Fiesta 7:30-9:30pm March 20-22An international music and dance celebration by Migrant Worker Churches in Lebanon Life Centre, Bourj Hammoud,

All are welcome for refreshments downstairs after the service.


March 29th  Palm Sunday 11:30am
Syrian Refugee Easter/Spring crafts ...beautiful gifts for home and kitchen!
Tuesday March 31st
Televised Holy Week Service by Telelumiere ( Catholic TV) with choir, readings and meditations   5.30-7.30pm
April 2nd Maunday Thursday 6-8pm Passover Meal at Church followed by prayer Vigil  from 8-9pm
April 3rd Good Friday                  10am-noon   All Age cross making
1:30-3pm Meditation Service in Church

April 5th EASTER SUNDAY 11:30am

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